Breakfast isn't just about filling your empty stomach, it's about filling up with the right things to give yourself a natural energy boost that will sustain you rather than peaking suddenly and then falling off.
FITtrition's Almond Butter, Green Tea & Cinnamon Breakfast Energy Bar was custom formulated for the active person who wants to start their day with some healthy energy. You can see why from our ingredients:
- Organic Almond Butter. Packed with protein and fiber, this nut butter also promotes healthy gut function.
- Green Tea. Plant compounds + caffeine = increased energy and fat oxidation. This is just a small taste of what green tea offers.
- Cinnamon. A powerful anti-oxidant that also helps control blood sugar.
- Egg White Protein. Rich in essential amino acids that help the body synthesize new proteins.
- Organic Dates and Honey. Great fuel-producing carb sources that are easy on the digestion, you get the added benefits of vitamins, minerals, and an immune boost.
- Low-Fat Granola and Macadamia Nuts. The cardiovascular benefits of these ingredients can help lower overall and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
- Flaxseed. An excellent source of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) that contributes to heart health.
- Cocoa. Known for its anti-oxidant benefits, this great tasting ingredient can help protect the heart.
But FITtrition doesn't stop there - their Breakfast Energy Bar is a whole food that's gluten free and 100 percent natural. Couple all of these benefits with great taste, and you have a winning combination.
If you're ready to get serious about getting healthy, contact us; we welcome your input on our products, and we'd love to hear your #getfitt story.